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Zodiac Collection

What is your unique Zodiac sign? Horoscopes have tantalized people throughout the ages. The next time you shop for a personalized birthday gift or just because, consider giving one of these innovative personalized zodiac sign gifts.

Zodiac Collection

What is your unique Zodiac sign? Horoscopes have tantalized people throughout the ages. The next time you shop for a personalized birthday gift or just because, consider giving one of these innovative personalized zodiac sign gifts. Have your 3D crystal gift engraved with a name to for a birthday or graduation gift, or a keepsake for them to carry anywhere with our 2D Keychain and Necklace collection. Each of these laser-engraved zodiac sign crystals features the main zodiac sign in the center, the symbol on top and the name on the bottom. The laser-etched glass enables even the more minor characters to be portrayed in great detail, shining bright both throughout the day and at night using one of our light bases. Unlike the photo crystals that display just one striking 3D engraved picture, each custom-engraved zodiac crystal has 12 images. The person's horoscope receiving one of these custom zodiac crystals is bound to be positive.